What to Know About Skin Care Products in B2B?

Skin care products are vital for maintaining healthy, glowing skin. Yet the ever-changing formulations of these products can make it difficult to choose them wisely. Here’s what you need to know about skin care products in b2b:

1) What ingredients should you avoid?

Skin care product companies use a lot of buzz words in their marketing campaigns. Words like “natural,” “organic” and “hypoallergenic” all sound safe, but they aren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  And some chemicals that are harmful to humans on the whole may be harmless when used on specific parts of the body or when used in small quantities.  Some chemicals found in certain cosmetic items have been reported as carcinogens, while others have been linked to reproductive damage, endocrine disruption and developmental toxicity.  Still other chemicals are known irritants for specific skin types.

The best way to avoid harmful ingredients in your skin care products is to read the label closely, especially when it comes to certain buzz words.  Some of these terms that you need to look out for include:

  • “Natural” or “organic” – These terms do not mean much in the cosmetic industry
  • “Hypoallergenic” – This term means less than 1% of users may experience allergic reactions; however, there is no official FDA regulation or list that designates what can be labeled hypoallergenic
  • “Non-comedogenic” – This term means the product won’t clog your pores, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it is safe for everyone
  • “Paraben-free” – The FDA has not conducted studies on parabens in order to regulate them; however, the European Union classifies parabens as endocrine disruptors

2) Beware of what you’re putting ON your skin.  It isn’t just about what’s IN the bottle

Aside from avoiding certain ingredients when purchasing skin care products in b2b, you also need to be wary of how these products are packaged and their shelf life.  Skin care product companies often use chemical components in their bottles and containers, even if the product itself is natural.  These chemicals are harmful both to the environment and your skin!

One of the easiest ways to avoid these chemicals is to choose products that are packaged in jars rather than bottles.  You should also be concerned with how long a product has been on the shelf.  If it’s been sitting around for too long, fungus may grow inside it which can irritate your skin when you use it.  So, consider purchasing products that have a shorter shelf life or that come in smaller quantities for fresher ingredients.

3) Know what percentage of organic ingredients must appear on the label

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) requires all foods containing at least 70% organic ingredients to be labeled as “100% Organic.”  This percentage must also be printed on the label.

If a product has between 0-49% organic ingredients, it can say “Organic” or feature an image of a Farmer’s market on the label.  These products should contain at least 95% organic ingredients to make this claim, but they may not have any organic components at all.

Products with less than 0.01% organic ingredients are exempt from labeling laws and regulations altogether.

4) The ingredient list is where you can really tell if your skin care product in b2b is safe

One of the best ways to determine if your product is safe for you and your body is to read the ingredients list carefully.  Don’t trust what you see on the front of the label.  Ingredients change frequently in order to make way for new “in” products, and organic components are often replaced with chemicals in order to reduce costs.  So, look at the ingredient list – not just what’s written on the front!

A word about water.

On your skin care product’s label, you’ll probably notice that water is listed as one of its main ingredients.  It may seem harmless enough, but be aware that purified or de-ionized water is actually tap water which has been processed by an industrial filtering system before it gets put in your skincare product in b2b. This water is stripped of its dissolved minerals and may contain harmful chemicals like fluoride or chlorine.  Be sure to look for natural fruit waters (like rosewater or aloe vera water) instead.

5) Look at where your skin care product in b2b comes from

You might be tempted to buy products made in the United States, especially if you’re looking into organic skincare because it’s “safer.”  But don’t forget that many countries do not have regulations about what goes into cosmetic products, including ingredients that can cause cancer and hormonal disruptions under certain conditions.  So don’t only consider the country of origin; also consider the source of the main ingredient itself!

6) Be mindful of whether or not your skincare product in b2b is tested on animals

It’s important to remember that many countries, including the U.S., do not regulate what goes into cosmetic products with regard to safety for human health.  In fact, animal testing is still a legal requirement when it comes to certain chemicals and ingredients.  So, if you find a product you like but notice a warning about animal testing on its label, you’ll need to decide how much this matters to you!

7) What about non-toxic skincare products in b2b?

If you’ve been reading carefully up until now, then perhaps you’re wondering if there are truly any chemical-free skin care products out there.  The answer is a resounding “yes!” Furthermore, you don’t need to go looking for exceptional items on the web or in dark wellbeing food stores by the same token. Many efficiently manufactured healthy skin brands are currently putting forth a major attempt to make items that are liberated from poisons, synthetic substances, and other hurtful fixings.

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